Monday, November 16, 2099

Get Paid to Blog

Hi, here's the continuation of my previous post "Bloggers' Success". In that post, I mentioned that one of the most effective ways to earn online is through blogging? No idea yet of what blogging is? Well, you are now looking at one. Yes, this site of mine which you are reading, and which I hope provides you with useful information, is an example of a blog.

A blog is a site in the Internet where the blog's author can freely post whatever contents he wants for his blog. In this blog of mine for instance, I want it to contain information about generating extra income from online, hence I am posting articles about this subject. Any topic under the sun which is of interest to can post in your blog. A blog is simply all about making your own web site. And because it is yours, you are free to post anything that you want, may it be articles, pictures, advertisements, etcetera etcetera. But of course, we also need to abide by the rules and policies of blogging. In general, such rules and policies conclude to the prevention of any illegal activities done in the Internet.

Now that you have a basic idea of what a blog is, read on the following for several ways on how you can earn from your blog.

Featured Book (right): Internet Riches : The Simple Money-making Secrets of Online Millionaires (Hardcover)

Join online programs and post referral links in your blog

The programs I mentioned in my previous article "Earning Money Online as Beginners" are some of the programs where members are also able to earn through referrals. Once you joined this kind of programs, make sure that you also make the most out of the referral scheme provided to you by the program. This can be achieved by putting your referral link to your blog which can give you more chances of getting your site visitors as your referrals, hence more chances for you to earn. If you are not aware yet on how you can earn from referral schemes, here is a quick explanation. Most online programs reward members for every referrals that they get. Aside from this, members get commissions from the earnings of their referrals.

Join affiliate marketing programs

In affiliate marketing, you can become an online seller. Affiliate online marketing is a program where members can sell products via the Internet. Your question might be: How can I sell products using my blog? The answer: Join affiliate programs such as Google Adsense, WidgetBucks, eBay, Amazon, and many more. Such programs provide members with scripts and widgets which can be posted in web sites and blogs. How can you earn then? Once you have placed the product scripts and widgets in your blog, you will earn commissions from every product that your site visitors buy. Or, some programs also pay their members for every click done by site visitors on the product.

Featured Book (left): eBay Income: How Anyone of Any Age, Location, and/or Background Can Build a Highly Profitable Online Business with eBay (Paperback)

Make your blog interesting

Post articles that can be of interest to your site visitors. If your blog is interesting, there's a possibility that your site visitors will recommend your blog to their friends. Thus, helping you drive more traffic to your blog. Also, having an informative blog adds to your site's credibility which in turn adds to greater possibility of winning your visitors' trust to buy or check your advertisements.

Sign-up for your own domain name

Having your own domain means having your own ".com" or ".net" web site address (example:, You can have your own domain name if you sign-up for one from Internet domain hosts. Normally, this will cost you a few dollars for monthly subscription. There are sites though that provide free space for blogging, but the web site address you can have will contain the provider's domain name as a prefix or suffix to your address (example:,

One advantage of signing-up for your own domain name is that it allows greater chances that your site will be listed in search engines. Also, unlike in free domain hosts where there are limitations, signing-up for your own domain name gives you with more features you can use in developing your site. Below is one great domain hosting that I would like to recommend because they have a wide array of useful tools in developing a presentable and great web site. If you want to earn better money online, it's worth it to subscribe with them as the monthly subscription is very inexpensive (for only $4/month, you will have your own web site address). Learn and find about their promotions by clicking on the image below.

Find out Brinkster's promotion

Conclusion: In general, to earn from your blog, you need to manage the marketing appeal of your site. It's like creating an effective advertisement online. Think of it like an advertisement that you watch on TV. Sometimes, good TV advertisements are able to encourage you to check or buy the product, right? The same concept applies to blogging if you want to earn from it.

1 comment:

bestre said...

nice post. its a very good advice.